
Depression Test

Source: The PHQ was developed by Drs. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke, and colleagues.  PRIME-MD® is a trademark of Pfizer Inc. Copyright© 1999 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved.


Over the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? Please answer all the questions.

1 / 10

1. I have little interest or pleasure in doing things

2 / 10

2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless

3 / 10

3. Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much

4 / 10

4. Feeling tired or having little energy

5 / 10

5. Poor appetite or overeating

6 / 10

6. Feeling bad about yourself- or that you are a failure or have let yourself your family down

7 / 10

7. Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television

8 / 10

8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed

9 / 10

9. Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself

10 / 10

10. If you checked off any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you at work, home, or with other people?

Fill in the following form to receive your depression test results


Anxiety Test

Over the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? Please answer all the questions.

1 / 7

1. Do familiar surroundings sometimes seem strange, confusing, threatening or unreal to you?

2 / 7

2. Not being able to stop or control worrying

3 / 7

3. Worrying too much about different things

4 / 7

4. Trouble relaxing

5 / 7

5. Being so restless that it is hard to sit still

6 / 7

6. Becoming easily annoyed or irritable

7 / 7

7. Feeling afraid, as if something awful might happen

Fill the form below to get your results


PCL-M for DSM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PTSD-Behavioral Science Division.

Below is a list of problems and complaints that people sometimes have in response to stressful life events. Please read each one carefully and choose one answer that indicates how much you have been bothered by that problem within the last month.

1 / 17

1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?


2 / 17

2. Repeated, disturbing dreams of a stressful experience from the past?

3 / 17

3. Suddenly acting or feeling as if a stressful experience were happening again (as if you were reliving it)?

4 / 17

4. Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?

5 / 17

5. Having physical reactions (e.g. heart pounding, trouble breathing, or sweating) when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?

6 / 17

6. Avoid thinking about or talking about a stressful experience from the past or avoid having feelings related to it?

7 / 17

7. Avoid activities or situations because they remind you of a stressful experience from the past?

8 / 17

8. Trouble remembering important parts of a stressful experience from the past?

9 / 17

9. Loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy?

10 / 17

10. Feeling distant or cut off from other people?

11 / 17

11. Feeling emotionally numb or being unable to have loving feelings for those close to you?

12 / 17

12. Feeling as if your future will somehow be cut short?

13 / 17

13. Trouble falling or staying asleep?

14 / 17

14. Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?

15 / 17

15. Having difficulty concentrating?

16 / 17

16. Feeling jumpy or easily startled?

17 / 17

17. Being “super alert” or watchful on guard?

Fill in the form to receive your PTSD Test Results

Your score is



Psychosis Test

 Loewy, RL & Cannon, TD. (2010). The Prodromal Questionnaire, Brief Version (PQ-B). The University of California.


In the past month, have you had the following thoughts, feelings, or experiences? Check “yes” or “no” for each item.

Do not include experiences that occur only while under the influence of drugs or medications that were not prescribed to you.

If you answer “YES” to an item, also indicate how distressing that experience has been for you. IF you answer "NO" to an item, pleach choose "Not applicable"


1 / 42

1. Do familiar surroundings sometimes seem strange, confusing, threatening or unreal to you?

2 / 42

2. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

3 / 42

3. Have you heard unusual sounds like banging, clicking, hissing, clapping or ringing in your ears?

4 / 42

4. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

5 / 42

5. Do things that you see appear different from the way they usually do (brighter or duller, larger or smaller, or changed in some other way)?

6 / 42

6. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

7 / 42

7. Have you had experiences with telepathy, psychic forces, or fortune telling?

8 / 42

8. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

9 / 42

9. Have you felt that you are not in control of your own ideas or thoughts?

10 / 42

10. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

11 / 42

11. Do you have difficulty getting your point across, because you ramble or go off the track a lot when you talk?

12 / 42

12. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

13 / 42

13. Do you have strong feelings or beliefs about being unusually gifted or talented in some way?

14 / 42

14. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

15 / 42

15. Do you feel that other people are watching you or talking about you?

16 / 42

16. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

17 / 42

17. Do you sometimes get strange feelings on or just beneath your skin, like bugs crawling?

18 / 42

18. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

19 / 42

19. Do you sometimes feel suddenly distracted by distant sounds that you are not normally aware of?

20 / 42

20. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

21 / 42

21. Have you had the sense that some person or force is around you, although you couldn’t see anyone?

22 / 42

22. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

23 / 42

23. Do you worry at times that something may be wrong with your mind?

24 / 42

24. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

25 / 42

25. Have you ever felt that you don't exist, the world does not exist, or that you are dead?

26 / 42

26. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

27 / 42

27. Have you been confused at times whether something you experienced was real or imaginary?

28 / 42

28. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

29 / 42

29. Do you hold beliefs that other people would find unusual or bizarre?

30 / 42

30. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

31 / 42

31. Do you feel that parts of your body have changed in some way, or that parts of your body are working

32 / 42

32. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

33 / 42

33. Are your thoughts sometimes so strong that you can almost hear them?

34 / 42

34. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

35 / 42

35. Do you find yourself feeling mistrustful or suspicious of other people?

36 / 42

36. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

37 / 42

37. Have you seen unusual things like flashes, flames, blinding light, or geometric figures?

38 / 42

38. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

39 / 42

39. Have you seen things that other people can't see or don't seem to see?

40 / 42

40. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

41 / 42

41. Do people sometimes find it hard to understand what you are saying?

42 / 42

42. If YES: How much distress did you experience?

Fill the form below to get your results


Bipolar Test

The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) was developed by Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD (University of Texas Medical Branch), and published in the Am J Psychiatry. (Hirschfeld RMA, Williams JBW, Spitzer RL, et al. Development and validation of a screening instrument for bipolar spectrum disorder: the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;157(11):1873-1875.) ©2009, 2000 Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, MD UNB124696 06/19



Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and…

1 / 14

1. Has a health professional ever told you that you have manic-depressive illness bipolar disorder?

2 / 14

2. Have any of your blood relatives had manic-depressive illness or bipolar disorder?

i.e. Children, siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles

3 / 14

3. How much of a problem did any of these causes you?

Like being unable to work; having family; money or legal troubles; getting into arguments or fights?

4 / 14

4. If you have checked YES to more than one of the above, have several of these ever happened during the same period?

5 / 14

5. Spending money got you or your family into trouble?

6 / 14

6. You did things that were unusual for you or that other people might have thought were excessive, foolish, or risky?

7 / 14

7. You were more interested in sex than usual?

8 / 14

8. You were much more social or outgoing than usual, for example, you telephoned friends in the middle of the night?

9 / 14

9. You had much energy than usual?

10 / 14

10. You were so distracted by things around you that you had trouble concentrating or staying on track?

11 / 14

11. Thoughts raced through your head or you couldn’t slow your mind down?

12 / 14

12. You felt much more self-confident than usual?

13 / 14

13. You were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?

14 / 14

14. You felt so good or hyper that other people thought you were not your normal self or were so hyper that you got into trouble?

Fill the form below to get your results


Alcohol Dependency Test

Place choose one of the responses that best describes your answer to each question.

1 / 10

1. How often during the last year
have you found that you were not
able to stop drinking once you had

2 / 10

2. How often do you have six or more
drinks on one occasion?

3 / 10

3. How many drinks containing
alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

4 / 10

4. How often do you have a drink
containing alcohol?

5 / 10

5. How often during the last year
have you failed to do what was
normally expected from you
because of drinking?

6 / 10

6. How often during the last year
have you needed a first drink in the
morning to get yourself going after
a heavy drinking session?

7 / 10

7. How often during the last year
have you had a feeling of guilt or
remorse after drinking?

8 / 10

8. How often during the last
year have you been unable to
remember what happened the
night before because you had been

9 / 10

9. Have you or someone else been
injured as a result of your drinking?

10 / 10

10. Has a relative or friend or a doctor
or another health worker been
concerned about your drinking or
suggested you cut down?

Fill the form below to get your results